Wednesday, August 27, 2014


By Ganti Savitri Devi

Once upon a time,
There lived a man sublime;

There was music in his voice,
To the listeners’ hearts’ rejoice;

His fingers on the Veena’s strings,
Swayed us on to blissful springs;

His music had charm to bring in rain,
He made ‘Harikatha’ supremely reign;

His cute ditties and sweet melodies,
Told His stories, sang His glories;

He pranced and danced
In rhythm and rhymes;

He walked and talked
For Him of all times;

Readily, languages became his own,
For his memory too, he was well-known;

From his heart, gushed poetry,
As a mountain stream pours free;

In him, all arts cheerfully met
There can never be another like him, I bet;

He was Light to the sight,
And to hearts, Delight;

Him those who saw,
To him bowed in awe;

And he bowed to none,
But to the mighty One;

In great exhilaration,
Voices declared in unison;

‘Goddess of learning descended,
And took his form, splendid’;

Adibhatla  Narayana Das, his name,
An emperor in music and literature in fame;

He and his, His stories,
Shine in Time’s Glories.

(Excerpted from Drops in Rain)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Sesquicentennial in America

The ‘Pandit Srimadajjada Adibhatla Narayana Das Sesquicentennial’ is being celebrated in many places in India. In the US too it was celebrated in  Sri Mahalakshmi  Temple, Delaware on April 19, 2014. It was marked as a part of the local Telugu community’s Telugu Ugaadi celebrations.

The following leading members of the Telugu community actively supported the celebration: Sri Patibanda Sharma, President of the Temple committee; Sri Bal Reddy and Sri Saripalli Sharma who spoke about Pandit Narayana Das and his literature. 

Participants in the concert: Rama Devi Surampudi, Sunitha Varma, Sobha Nagendra Kumar Ayalasomayajula (Lecturer),
Usha Kuppa, Geetha Pamulapati, Pavana Mamidala, Sujatha Vijaya Kumar & Sruthi Medisetti
Here are some keetanas from the concert:

Keertana: 'Nikhilasrita Sukhadaayaka': Harikatha: Bhakta Markandeya. Ragam: Bhupala; Talam: Rupaka

Keertana: 'Sarada Sadaa': Harikatha: Harikathaamrutam Ragam: Khamach. Talam: Rupaka

Keertana: 'Saami Raavademi Rayo': Harikatha: Rukmini Kalyanam